Full Council Meeting Jan 2023
Chairman: Councillor TA Jones, 25 Kingsley Wood Road, Rugeley, WS15 2UF
Date: 31st December 2022
Dear Councillor
Parish Council Meeting
You are requested to attend a meeting of the Parish Council to be held at the Parish Hall,
Ravenhill Park, Brereton, on Thursday, 5th January 2023, at 7.30 pm.
Yours faithfully
Brereton and Ravenhill Parish Council
To: All Members of the Parish Council
1. Declarations of Interest
2. Apologies
3. Minutes
To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 6th December
4. Matters arising from the minutes
5. Correspondence
6. Police Matters
7. Precept
8. Bus Services and Bus Stops
9. Planning Committee
There were no minutes to approve from the Planning Committee on 6th December 2022.
10. Parish Hall and Property Management Committee
To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Hall and Property Management
Committee held on 15th December 2022.
11. Finance and Management Committee
To approve the minutes of the meeting of the Finance and Management Committee
held on 15th December 2022.
12. Public Forum
13. Date of next meeting
The Parish Council has previously agreed that the next Parish Council Meeting will
be held on Thursday, 2nd February 2023, at 7.30 pm.
Minutes of a meeting of the Parish Council held at the Parish Hall, Ravenhill Park, Brereton, on Thursday 5 January 2023.
Present Councillors TA Jones [Chairman], Alderman R Easton, Alderwoman Mrs P Ansell, Councillors K Ansell, Ms IJ Brown, Mrs DM Easton and D Johnson. Also present: Mr J Smith (Administrator and Caretaker) Ms A Oldbury (Clerk to the Parish) Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Mrs L Johnson.
1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST No declarations were given at the commencement of the meeting. 2. APOLOGIES See above.
3. MINUTES RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting held on 6 December 2022, be approved and signed as a correct record.
4. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES The Castle Inn Site District Council accept they did not place application on web site until after decision had been made. Some objectors had been notified – Parish Council being an objector and not covered by data protection. Of 10 objectors one was notified. The Chair asked for it to be returned to Planning Committee.
5. CORRESPONDENCE Mr John Smith advised a deposit of £6,695.15 had been deposited into the account as CIL money. He was unsure as to how this was allocated, a discussion between himself and Alderman R Easton to take place.
6. POLICE MATTERS There were no Police Officers in attendance at the meeting and a report had not been submitted. The Chair and Members recommended that a letter should be sent to the Chief Inspector regarding the lack of Police presence at the Parish Council meetings and the absence of Police reports. The Police have announced on social media that bags of white powder had been found in Ravenhill Park.
7. PRECEPT Draft Budget 2023/2024
Projects Provision of new and maintenance of bus shelters £500.00
Christmas Lights £13,000.00
Carpark Fund –
Park & Parish Council £6,900.00
Remembrance Sunday £150.00
Armistice Day (road closure) £350.00
Mining Memorial renamed to War Memorial £500.00
Grit Bins and Grit £500.00
Footpaths £300.00
Notice Boards £500.00
Tennis Court Fund £1,000.00
Oral Mining history – completed, remove £0.00
Street Cleaning Machine sold, withdraw £0.00
Street Cleaning Replacement Fund to be looked at and transferred to Christmas lights £1,000.00 Allotments £200.00
Tractor Maintenance – For sale £3000 £200.00
Defibrillator £100.00
Sub Total £25,200.00
Parish Hall Revenue Expenditure £11,730.00
CCTV £1,000.00
Maintenance, external maintenance and running cost £11,000.00
Business Rates £0.00
Energy Management Initiatives £500.00
Refurbishment of contents £1,500.00
Sub Total £25,730.00
Grants and Donations Miscellaneous Grants/Donations £100.00
Sub Total £100.00
Other Initiatives Civic Service £500.00
Binding of Parish Council Minutes and disposal of confidential waste Fund £0.00
Neighbourhood Development Plan £400.00
Website Management £500.00
Purchase of Flags £25.00
Sub Total £1,425.00
Miscellaneous Expenditure
Wreath £40.00
Printing £1,200.00
Advertising £100.00
Stationery/Postage £1,400.00
Sub Total £2,740.00
Ordnance Survey – Renewal License £68.00
Insurances £2,300.00
Audit Fees £1,000.00
Parish Council election in May £500.00
Members Training £1,000.00
2 The Chair said it is important that we reduce the Precept and show we are tightening our belt to the Brereton and Ravenhill community by making a modest reduction during these exceptional circumstances. We are using existing Christmas lights, but reducing the time they are on to reduce the electricity cost. We are the only Council in the area to do so.
8. BUS SERVICES AND BUS SHELTERS Members voted to reconsider the position with regard to bus services and bus shelters in six months time. It was advised that from 1 Jan to 31 Mar no bus fare will be more than £2 (single) throughout the region. If public transport is promoted and used, later buses may make a return and routes restored.
9. CO-OPTION OF NEW MEMBERS TO FILL PARISH COUNCIL VACANCIES Parish Council Members were informed that advertisements regarding the vacancies had been put on Parish Council notice boards. Alderman R Easton and Councillor TA Jones were also asking local residents if they know of anyone interested in taking up a position of Councillor on the Parish Council. Nothing further to report.
10. PLANNING COMMITTEE RESOLVED That the minutes of the Planning Committee held on 15 December 2022, be approved. APPROVED
11. PARISH HALL AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting of the Parish Hall and Property Management Committee held on 15 December 2022, be approved. 3. NEWMAN GROVE ALLOTMENTS Superintendent of the Allotment was called as a gardener has been erecting fences snd cutting down trees blocking rights of access. A verbal warning has been given. If anymore trees are cut a written response advising tenancy will be withdrawn supporting the Superintendent. Damages will also be sought to replace the trees. Councillor R Easton is going to inspect tomorrow. If we have to develop any damage he will be sued for damages. APPROVED Sub Total £4,868.00 3
12. FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE RESOLVED That the minutes of the meeting of the Finance and Management Committee held on 15 December 2022, be approved. 6. Remembrance Sunday £150 payment request. Alderman Easton challenged the budget for last year of £100 for donations. A motion for £50 to be paid from the Finance Committee was agreed and the Chair will ensure it is paid. APPROVED
13. PUBLIC FORUM No members of the public were present.
14. MEMBERS ITEMS Diane Jackson Eon now asking for further information on columns – details being sent to Alderman R Easton.
15. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING RESOLVED That the next meeting would be held on Thursday 2 February 2023, at 7.30 pm.
________________________ [Chairman]