Annual Parish Meeting 11 May 2023
Chairman: Cllr Miles Blackham
Minutes of a ANNUAL meeting of the Parish Council held at the Parish Hall, Ravenhill Park,
Brereton, on Thursday 11 May 2023.
Councillor TA Jones [exiting Chairman],
Councillors: Mrs S Merriman, Mr M Blackham, Mrs D Blocksidge, Mrs K Paul, Mrs R Hall-Davies,
Mr C Boulton, Mr J Johnson, Mrs Clair Harris, Mrs R Hall, Mrs A Cowdell (late arrival)
Also present: Mr J Smith (Administrator and Caretaker) Ms A Oldbury (Clerk to the Parish)
Public gallery – attendance.
1. Election of Chair
The first meeting of the the new Parish Council was opened by Cllr Tim Jones, the exiting
The necessary registration documentation for those attending was completed and signed by
the proper Officer, the above present are now Brereton and Ravenhill Parish Councillors.
The selection and vote for the new Chairperson was made and resulted :
Cllr Miles Blackham 6 votes
Cllr Dana Blocksidge 3 votes
Cllr Miles Blackham was elected.
Chairman Miles Backham thanked previous Parish Council.
2. Apologies for absence/late arrival
Mr Jay Gascoigne, Mr Kevin Theobald, Mrs Alison Cowdell (late arrival)
3. Election of Vice-Chair
Postponed until the full council can vote at the Extra Ordinary Meeting next Thursday.
4. Membership of the Finance and Management Committee
Cllr Mr M Blackham, Cllr Mrs S Merriman, Cllr Mr J Johnson, Cllr Mrs D Blocksidge,
Cllr Mrs K Paul,
5. Membership of the Parish Hall and Property Maintenance Committee
Cllr Mrs S Merriman, Cllr Mrs K Paul, Cllr Mr C Boulton, Cllr Mrs C Davis ,
Cllr Mrs A Cowdell, Cllr Mrs R Hall-Davies Cllr Mrs R Hall.
6. Membership of the Planning Committee
Cllr Mr M Blackham, Cllr Mrs C Davies, Cllr Mrs C Harris, Cllr Mrs A Cowdell,
Cllr Mrs R Hall
7. Representatives on the Neighbourhood Plan Committee
Cllr Mrs D Blocksidge, Cllr Mrs K Paul, Cllr Mrs R Hall-Davies, Cllr Mr J Johnson,
Cllr Mrs C Harris, Cllr Mrs R Hall
8. 3 Representatives on the Heritage Committee
Cllr Mrs R Hall-Davies, Cllr Mrs C Harris, Cllr Mrs R Hall,
9. Councillor responsible for liaison with Amazon
It was proposed that a name change to businesses instead of Amazon, the committee
voted and seconded
Cllr Mrs S Merriman will be responsible for Liaison with Businesses
10. 2 councillors responsible for liaison with Rugeley Town Council
It was proposed that a name change to Town, District and CC Councillors, the committee
voted and seconded
Cllr Mrs S Merriman and Cllr Mrs D Blocksidge will be responsible for liaison with
Town, District and Cannock Council Councillors
11. Opportunity for members of the public to speak.
Nigel Perrin – Rumours are going around that you are thinking of changing the name of
Brereton & Ravenhill ParIsh Council as it is too lengthy and if objections go to a ballet – I
I will fight it if you try to change it. You only need one objection and it will cost you the
Parish tax payer thousands. I want it known and minuted I OBJECT.
Christmas lights – has a massive budget, are you going to raise money to fund the lights
rather than increase the budget? Cllr Mrs S Merriman explained how the Santa tour
works and what money it brings in. Cllr Mrs D Blocksidge will look at alternative ways of
raising funds.
Cllr L Arduino – introduced himself and will attend regularly.
12. Correspondence
Details of registration of Defibrillator was passed to Cllr Mrs S Merriman to action.
13. Date of Next Meeting
The Parish Council has previously agreed that the next Parish Council Meeting will be
held on 1 June 2023, at 7.30 pm.
Chairman Cllr M Blackham advised meetings to continue as scheduled.
14. It was requested that an Extra Ordinary Meeting take place next week, Thursday 18 May
at 19.30 Agenda will follow.