Hall Management & Community Engagement Meeting
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To be held at: the Parish Hall, Ravenhill Park, Brereton, Rugeley. WS15 1DU
Thursday 4th January 7.30pm
4.1. Review rates for different groups – update A working group has been set up to review the rates and will meet on Wednesday 8th November 2023 6pm. 4.2. Heating JS to look at the timer. Awaiting the latest bill with the new energy company to review the rates. 4.3. Roof job update Awaiting a start date from the company The roof cleaning was done, complete with broken tiles replaced 4.4. Solar panels/update CD explained that an EPC is a must if you rent or hire out a building. We need to know if this is our responsibility or CCDC. We need a copy of the lease of the Parish hall. CD to explore the copy of the lease from CCDC. CD has an email that the EPC would be up to the Parish Council to obtain. 4.5. Climate Energy Fund A quote for the taps and EPC fund has been obtained and CD will use these to apply. No formal confirmation from Staffordshire, but CD had verbal confirmation from the Councillor Peter Kruskonjic that this has been approved. This work can begin as soon as we have written confirmation and the finances in our bank account. 4.6. Water pressure, toilets, taps update JS to explore the water pressure with Severn Trent as a starter place. DB and AC will lead a working group with JS to replace the men’s urinal and eco toilet flushes. Taps are being replaced as part of the Climate Action Fund as well as the sink in Disabled toilet. 4.7. New Year Event Fayre – working group
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CD will start a google form for all businesses to collate their information and register their interest in the New Year. Google form has been started but very little added to it. CD has messaged all to follow this up. Once complete, a date for this event needs to be agreed 4.8. Decorating the hall 3 Quotes to be obtained including hall way, conference room and main room and toilets. Together and the main room separately. This was discussed at the Full Council meeting and a decision was made. SM was asked to contact the winning contractor and discuss a starting date . 4.9. Christmas Lights Working group update The Council is awaiting the MPAN certificate. When it arrives (to whichever email address,) it needs to be forwarded to Diane at lightingforstaffordshire. 4.10. Payment was due for installation of 4 power supplies, £1xxx.xx If this was for Christmas lights, it was approved and paid for promptly. 4.11. Allotment update KT has taken the lead on the allotments, many were used to paying cash for the allotments and he wanted clarification. KT is exploring the land boundaries and will update at the next meeting. 4.12. Community Events BM Community grant for small community events update. Brereton Million asked if both groups could meet to discuss. 4.13. Indoor Car boot A working group has now been set up for the community events: SM, CD, DB, AC, RT, KP. A date will be set for this outside the meeting. 4.14. Bus Shelters on used bus route Suggestion to use as advertised boards or removal. SM to look into quotes for signage and notice boards to go inside.
6. HALL MANAGEMENT 6.1 Review rates for different groups – Update 6.2 Bollards 6.3 CCTV signage and contract review, re: key holder 6.4 Meeting room floor 6.5 Telephone and broadband update 6.6 Security work on doors 6.7 Decoration progress of the Parish Hall
7. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 7.1 Competition update for logo 7.2 Drop in book, updates on sessions and feedback 7.3 Handyman role
Thursday 1st February 2024
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Minutes Approved by Chair / Acting Chair : ………………………………… Date: ……………………………
Minutes of the
Held on Thursday 4th January 7.30pm
Cllrs Present: S Merriman (SM) (Chair), C Davies (CD)(Vice Chair), M Blackham (MB), R Hall-Davies (RHD), K Paul (KP), D Blocksidge (DB), J Gascoigne (JG), C Boulton (CB), R Hall (RH),
Cllrs Absent: No apologies were received but A Cowdell (AC), and K Theobald (KT), would be late arriving. A Cowdell (AC), 7.55pm and K Theobald (KT), 8.10pm
In Attendance: J Smith (JS)(Caretaker), L. Featherstone (LF), PR Whibley (Clerk)
RH stated that as a hirer of the hall she had an interest in 6.1, whilst SM as both Chair of this committee and the Community Development Worker Brereton Million had an interest in 4.12.
The previous meeting was cancelled.
4.1. Review rates for different groups – update The working group has met and made a decision on the new hiring rates for 2024. Due to the fact that the previous council had different rates of hire in several various categories, the group have attempted to simplify the whole process. The working group decided not to inform the hirers of the increase but to delay the increase until after the holiday period. The meeting discussed at length the new proposal, with examples. It was agreed that the hirers would be informed by letter, but given a 30 day grace period before the 2024 prices came into force. The completed price list will be made available to all members and posted in the parish hall office.
4.1a Resolved: That SM/CD would send out the letters to the present hirers stating the new cost of hiring the hall which will come into effect on March 1st. (Any new hirer of the hall, as from today, will start on the 2024 rates immediately.) 4.1b Resolved: That RHD will make the new price list available to all members/ clerk and display it in the parish hall office.
4.2. Heating
JS informed the meeting that the latest bill from the new energy provider was almost 50% less than the previous provider. He also explained that the council had the benefit of being able to claim the VAT back. He gave examples as to the reasons why, due to the fabric and structure of the building, certain aspects meant extra power was need to be used in those areas.
4.3. Roof job update
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Minutes Approved by Chair / Acting Chair : ………………………………… Date: ……………………………
The roof cleaning was finished and any broken tiles were replaced 4.4. Solar panels/update CD has been sent an email that states that to acquire the EPC, it would be up to the Parish Council to obtain. It was pointed out that the building must have an EPC if it is used for hiring purposes. An EPC must therefore be obtained, even if the idea of installing solar panels, in the future, didn’t materialise. Rough quotes from two different contractors were discussed. It was agreed that MB should pursue this.
4.4a Resolved: That MB will discuss with a contractor who had given a previous quote, whether he would be still interested in tendering for the work. 4.5. Climate Energy Fund No formal confirmation from Staffordshire, but CD had verbal confirmation from Councillor Peter Kruskonjic that this has been approved. This work can begin as soon as BRPC have written confirmation and the finances in our bank account. 4.6. Water pressure, toilets, taps update Taps are being replaced as part of the Climate Action Fund as well as the sink in disabled toilet. 4.7. New Year Event Fayre – working group: A Google form has been started but very little added to it. CD has messaged all to follow this up. Once complete, a date for this event will then be finalised. 4.8. Decorating the hall This was discussed at the Full Council meeting and a decision was made. SM was asked to contact the winning contractor and discuss a starting date. The decorator has since made a second site visit. Decisions have been made as to colour schemes and the decorator is now liaising with JS about which dates are suitable and which rooms are available to start on. . 4.9. Christmas Lights – working group update The Council is awaiting the MPAN certificate. When it arrives (to whichever email address,) it needs to be forwarded to Diane at lightingforstaffordshire. 4.10. Payment was due for installation of 4 power supplies, It was approved and paid for promptly. It was discussed and it was pointed out that this was the first Christmas that this new council organised the display of lights around the building and along the roads. None of the members have received any negative comments at all, which bodes well for the future. 4.11. Allotment update (left until KT arrived) A very detailed discussion covering several aspects of the allotments began. Firstly the issue of boundaries was discussed: where the parish council responsibilities stop and where the power company begins. Where in the allotment is the council liable and where does BRPC responsibilities cease. It was agreed that the parish council responsibility finishes at the gate. The path is the responsibility of the power company. It allows public access and if they wish to install some fencing, it’s their decision. There was a problem last year with a damage to a sunken power cable but as that was on the path, it was not something that the council could get involved in. The 10 year rule was mentioned by Cannock District Council when explaining that precise boundary lines were very difficult to define. It was pointed out that there were 14 plots which raised £700 for the council.
4.11a Resolved: That KT contact the land registry department of Cannock Chase District council to see whether it’s possible to be shown/told exactly where the boundaries of the parish council ward finish.
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Minutes Approved by Chair / Acting Chair : ………………………………… Date: ……………………………
4.12. Community Events In process but SM explained that she could not take a lead as she would be acting for both groups; the Hall Committee and Brereton Million. 4.13. Indoor Car boot A working group has now been set up for the community events: SM, CD, DB, AC, RT, and KP. Discussions are ongoing. 4.14. Bus Shelters on used bus route It was discussed that this committee has no agreed terms of reference and that the previous council’s terms did not include noticeboards in this committees’ remit. The meeting asked if the clerk would attempt to write new Terms of Reference for this committee to be put in front of the Full Council. It was pointed out that the next Full Council meeting had already been designated as the Budget and Precept meeting. The meeting decided to discuss this item as a precursor to what might be actioned after their remit had been enlarged. At present there are 3 shabby bus shelters on routes that buses now don’t follow. It was proposed that if these were refurbished that they would make ideal hubs in which to parish noticeboards could be placed. A costing for how much actual work on their refurbishment was needed, and was debated.
4.14a Resolved: That the clerk would begin to draft a set of new Terms of Reference for this committee to be presented to the Full Council for discussion and final approval after the next Budget and Precept meeting.
4.14b Resolved: That SM/CD investigate the final cost of refurbishment for the three unused bus shelters and ask that the Finance and Asset Committee agree to their request.
6.1 Review rates for different groups – Update (See 4.1) During this discussion it was pointed out the pathway leading into the Parish Hall was becoming dangerous and a definite Health and Safety issue. It has become apparent that people have been parking vehicles sideways across the block paving path directly outside the Hall doors. This has resulted in the path becoming extremely uneven. Members have recently witnessed two occasions when parishioners have almost fallen over. (See 6.2) 6.2 Bollards (See 6.1) A long discussion about what can be done to stop vehicles driving on, both the grass areas and the paved path directly beside the hall. There appears to be 3 places where the width of the bollards are wider and so allow access. Many suggestions were put forward but it was soon realised that any additional bollards or fencing would be on Cannock Chase District land. As the uneven paved path was now felt to be an emergency, the clerk was asked to contact the District Council and brief them on the concerns raised.
6.2a Resolved: That the clerk contact Cannock District council and request that this issue is dealt with as a matter of some urgency.
6.3 CCTV signage and contract review, re: key holder The meeting was advised that the external signage concerning CCTV was insufficient. The internal signage was found to be more than adequate. It was decided to purchase additional signs for outside. CD will liaise with JS as to which and how many signs to purchase
6.3a Resolved: That JS purchase new CCTV signs for the exterior of the Parish Hall using the Amazon account.
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Minutes Approved by Chair / Acting Chair : ………………………………… Date: ……………………………
6.4 Meeting room floor The meeting decided that the meeting room needed new flooring. It was agreed that the flooring needed to be easily cleaned and durable. Suggestions included carpet tiles which were easily replaceable or welded lino.
6.4a Resolved: That MB investigate the cost of supplying and fitting the meeting room with welded lino.
6.5 Telephone and broadband update
The meeting was informed that both the broadband and telephone lines would be operational from Wednesday January 10th.
6.5a Resolved: That JS would bring an oral report on the reliability and operation of both the phone line and broadband to the next meeting. 6.6 Security work on doors Agreed at the December Full Council Meeting 6.7 Decoration progress of the Parish Hall Agreed at the December Full Council Meeting 7. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 7.1 Competition update for logo It was decided not to proceed until the title of the BRPC Ward was agreed. The meeting discussed changing the name of the ward from parish to community. More investigation was needed to fully understand the process, schedule and work involved in initiating this proposed change. 7.2 Drop in book, updates on sessions and feedback The drop-in service only operates during term time so, due to the Christmas holiday this service did not operate. Some of the members were interested in the process and how evidence of community engagement is recorded. Several examples of how members during these sessions have helped people were described. It was also highlighted how a new team of volunteers, including Emily May (Brereton Million Volunteer Coordinator) have formed by way of these afternoon meetings.
7.2a Resolved: That DB/AC would complete ‘drop-in’ forms for each session and file them in the office for members to access. 7.3 Handyman role A lengthy discussion covering issues which included, whether the post should be part-time weekly or monthly; the precise jobs that the person would be expected to do; would it be a single person or contracted services. Some felt that the role couldn’t involve major construction work and would solely involve cutting grass and light work. It was agreed that before anything else could be considered, the role needed to be accurately costed as there was a need to balance the budget. A suggestion of a possible voluntary role might be appealing to someone. The members, whom themselves had joined together and spent their free time cleaning the roads, echoed the need for mechanical help to this. A need for a sustainable solution was needed. Examples of where rotary vehicles are used to clear mud and leaves in neighbouring villages were given.
7.3a Resolved: That MB investigate the cost of hiring a rotary vehicle.
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Minutes Approved by Chair / Acting Chair : ………………………………… Date: ……………………………
Thursday 1st February 2024