Full Council Meeting
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To be held at: the Parish Hall, Ravenhill Park, Brereton, Rugeley. WS15 1DU
Thursday 21st March 8.00pm – 9.30pm
20.1. Financial Regulations 2024 to be amended and approved
“ …. shall obtain 3 quotations (priced descriptions of the proposed supply); where the value is above £100 but less than £3,000 the Clerk (RFO) RFO shall strive to obtain 3 estimates.”
20.3. Risk Assessment 2024 to be approved (see Matters Arising: FAR Agenda 11.1b.) (attached)
20.4. Website Accessibility Statement to be approved (attached)
12.1 That the updated Standing Orders were approved. Clerk to file and add to BRPC website. Completed.
12.2 That the updated Financial Regulations were approved. Clerk to file and add to BRPC website. Completed.
12.3 That the updated Code of Conduct was approved and signed by all members present. Clerk to file signed document and add an unsigned copy to BRPC website. Completed.
12.3.1 Resolved: The three councillors not present will be asked to sign at the next opportunity or at the next meeting. One member still outstanding.
6.1b. Tenders being sought for the installation of a welded flooring for the Meeting Room.
More quotes being sought by MB. See item 24 on this agenda
6.2. Initial staged approach to include two yellow Community Watch signs will be erected at either end of the road whilst an additional metal 30 sign will be placed on a designated lamppost. Ongoing. Awaiting a works date.
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6.3. The clerk to place Terms of Reference on next month’s agenda. Agenda full. Other issues are taking priority.
6.3. Resolved: To be placed on April Agenda.
16.3. The clerk to place Earmarked Funds on the agenda of the Finance Committee’s next meeting. Completed.
17.1a. The clerk to contact JS, SM, RH and arrange a suitable time to meet and complete this document. Completed. Meeting arranged SM/C met.
17.1b. if completed: The clerk will send the completed Risk Assessment to all members at least 5 days prior to the next meeting. Completed.
18.1. The RFO will complete the Asset Register and distribute for presentation at the next Full Council meeting. Ongoing. See item 25 on this agenda.
19.2a. The clerk to place Membership of committee’s and working groups on next month’s agenda. Completed. See item 28 on the Agenda.
20.2a. The clerk to place CIL as an item on next month’s Finance Committee’s Agenda. Completed.
24.1. Finance Asset & Risk Committee:
Minutes presented for approval (attached)
4.2. Proposal for Approval: That the clerk ask the Full Council to agree the alteration in section 11.1 (h) of their Financial Regulations.
4.3a. Resolved: That the clerk would find out why the external report from Mazars had not been received and inform the Council.
4.3b. Resolved: That a working group of KP/DB/LF/C would meet on Thursday 14th 10.00-12.00 to discuss the findings of the Internal Auditors report and Earmarked Funding. (see Agenda items 27 & 29)
9.1. Proposal for Approval: That the Full Council engage the services of an outside agency (i.e. Bradley’s) to administer the payroll et al for its staff. (see FAR Agenda item 9)
11.1a. Proposal for Approval: That the clerk bring an empty envelope to the next Full Council meeting so that each member can put their council email address and password in and seal.
11.1b. Proposal for Approval: That the clerk insert the agreed addition concerning emails into the Risk Assessment document for approval at the Full Council meeting.
13.1a. Resolved: That the RFO would create an EarMarked Fund list based on the strategic planning of the FAR committee.
13.1b. Proposal for Approval: That the EarMarked Funds list completed by the Working Group would be presented to the Full Council at their next meeting for approval.
Incorrect data
External website company employed to update site.
Email Addresses
Use of Gmail addresses for Clerk and Councillors
Council to continue to monitor cost of .gov.uk email addresses. Risk is that Gmail address cannot be closed by Council after the Councillor has left the Council. To mitigate this risk, the Clerk will ask the retiring Councillor to delete their email address.
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16.1a. Proposal for Approval: That the FAR committee recommend to the Full Council not to include the Hire of the Hall in their submitted Budget calculation for 2024-2025.
24.2. Parish Hall Management Committee:
March Minutes presented for approval (attached)
24.3. Community Engagement (Neighbourhood) Committee:
27.3a. Heritage Wg (attached)
27.3b. Drop-in Wg (attached)
27.3c. Traffic Calming Wg ( See 6.2 Matters Arising)
27.3d. Neighbourhood (attached)
24.4. Planning Committee: Record of decisions made- presented (attached)
24.5. Staffing Report:
27.5a. Handyman: Progress on Job Specification update ?
24.6. Policy, Practices & Procedures:
27.6a. No Update
24.7. Police Report: (report for February attached)
25. BUDGETS, INVOICES & FINANCE (see FAR Agenda item 8) (attached)
26. ASSET REGISTER & INSURANCE (see FAR Agenda item 10)
27. EARMARKED FUNDS (see FAR Agenda item 13) to be approved
31. D-DAY 80TH REMEMBERANCE (information circulated and attached)
Thursday 18th April 2024 in the Parish Hall Meeting Room at 8.00pm
Clerk BRPC
Minutes of the
Held at: the Parish Hall, Ravenhill Park, Brereton, Rugeley. WS15 1DU
Thursday 21st March 8.00pm – 9.30pm
Members Present:
M Blackham (MB)(Chair),
S Merriman (SM),
K Theobald (KT),
C Davies (CD),
C. Harris (CH),
K Paul (KP),
R Hall (RH),
Members Absent:. Apologises were received from: A Cowdell (AC), D Blocksidge (DB), J Johnson (JJ), C Boulton (CB), J Gascoigne (JG) (Vice Chair), R Hall-Davies (RHD), which were accepted.
In Attendance: PR Whibley (Clerk), L Featherstone (LF)(RFO)
20.1. Financial Regulations 2024 to be amended and approved
“ …. shall obtain 3 quotations (priced descriptions of the proposed supply); where the value is above £100 but less than £3,000 the Clerk (RFO) RFO shall strive to obtain 3 estimates.”
Following advice from our Internal Auditor’s, it was agreed that the £100 figure be replaced to read £500. This was discussed and approved.
20.1a. Resolved: That the clerk will update the BRPC Financial Regulations and make all changes necessary to the front cover, as well as updating the document on the council website.
20.3. Risk Assessment 2024 to be approved (see Matters Arising: FAR Agenda 11.1b.) (attached)
Following advice from our Internal Auditor’s, it was agreed that the council would consider using .gov.uk for all PC emails. However in the meantime it was agreed to cover this in our Risk Assessment document whilst investigating this change further. This was discussed and approved.
20.3a. Resolved: That the clerk will update the BRPC Risk Assessment document and insert an additional number 53 to cover the councils approach to internal emails and their possible risk.
20.1a. Resolved: That the clerk will update the BRPC Risk Assessment document on the councils website
20.4. Website Accessibility Statement to be approved (attached)
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Minutes Approved by Chair / Acting Chair : …………………………… Date: ……………………………
This was discussed and approved.
20.1a. Resolved: That the clerk will update the BRPC Accessibility Statement on the council’s website.
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed by the chair as a true record.
12.1 That the updated Standing Orders were approved. Clerk to file and add to BRPC website. Completed.
12.2 That the updated Financial Regulations were approved. Clerk to file and add to BRPC website. Completed.
12.3 That the updated Code of Conduct was approved and signed by all members present. Clerk to file signed document and add an unsigned copy to BRPC website. Completed.
12.3.1 Resolved: The three councillors not present will be asked to sign at the next opportunity or at the next meeting. One member still outstanding.
6.1b. Tenders being sought for the installation of a welded flooring for the Meeting Room.
More quotes being sought by MB. See item 24 on this agenda
6.2. Initial staged approach to include two yellow Community Watch signs will be erected at either end of the road whilst an additional metal 30 sign will be placed on a designated lamppost. Ongoing. Awaiting a works date.
6.3. The clerk to place Terms of Reference on next month’s agenda. Agenda full. Other issues are taking priority.
6.3. Resolved: To be placed on April Agenda.
16.3. The clerk to place Earmarked Funds on the agenda of the Finance Committee’s next meeting. Completed.
17.1a. The clerk to contact JS, SM, RH and arrange a suitable time to meet and complete this document. Completed. Meeting arranged SM/C met.
17.1b. if completed: The clerk will send the completed Risk Assessment to all members at least 5 days prior to the next meeting. Completed.
18.1. The RFO will complete the Asset Register and distribute for presentation at the next Full Council meeting. Ongoing. See item 25 on this agenda.
19.2a. The clerk to place Membership of committee’s and working groups on next month’s agenda. Completed. See item 28 on the Agenda.
20.2a. The clerk to place CIL as an item on next month’s Finance Committee’s Agenda. Completed.
24.1. Finance Asset & Risk Committee:
March Minutes presented (attached)
4.2. Proposal for Approval: That the clerk ask the Full Council to agree the alteration in section 11.1 (h) of their Financial Regulations.
This was approved and agreed. See Agenda item 20.1 FORMAL ANNOUNCEMENTS
4.3a. Resolved: That the clerk would find out why the external report from Mazars had not been received and inform the Council.
The report was completed in November 2023. The clerk obtained a duplicate report with the help of our Internal Auditors and emailed the report to all members.
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Minutes Approved by Chair / Acting Chair : …………………………… Date: ……………………………
4.3b. Resolved: That a working group of KP/DB/LF/C would meet on Thursday 14th 10.00-12.00 to discuss the findings of the Internal Auditors report and Earmarked Funding. (see FAR Minutes items 27 & 29)
The working group KP/DB/LF/C and SM met but only completed the Earmarked Funding element.
An Action Plan addressing the points raised by both the Internal and External Auditors was produced and distributed by the clerk to members of the Working Group for their initial input. This will be given to the full FAR committee at their next meeting and presented to the Full Council.
4.3b.1. Resolved: That the RFO would contact Bradley’s to express the council’s willingness to engage.
9.1. Proposal for Approval: That the Full Council engage the services of an outside agency (i.e. Bradley’s) to administer the payroll et al for its staff. (see FAR Minutes item 9)
After discussion this was approved.
11.1a. Proposal for Approval: That the clerk bring an empty envelope to the next Full Council meeting so that each member can put their council email address and password in and seal.
This was completed and envelopes were placed in a locked tin. Any members who were absent or were unable to complete this will be asked to so. The clerk asked CD, as the DPO of the council, whether JG was the administrator of the Gmail accounts. The answer was no, he only set them up for the councillors after they took office.
11.1a. Resolved: That the clerk inform any members who have not completed the envelope exercise to do so, as soon as possible.
It was acknowledged that besides the members, all staff should only use a dedicated email address when conducting council business or communicating with colleagues.
11.1b. Resolved: That all members and staff should have a dedicated ‘work only’ email and council related messaging must be conducted using these.
11.1b. Proposal for Approval: That the clerk insert the agreed addition concerning emails into the Risk Assessment document for approval at the Full Council meeting.
11.1c. Resolved: That the clerk would insert item 53 in the Risk Assessment and place it on the council’s website.
See 20.3
13.1a. Resolved: That the RFO would create an Earmarked Fund list based on the strategic planning of the FAR committee.
Completed and distributed prior to this meeting.
13.1b. Proposal for Approval: That the Earmarked Funds list completed by the Working Group would be presented to the Full Council at their next meeting for approval. (See item 27.)
This was presented, discussed and approved.
13.1b. Resolved: That the Council approved the Earmarked Funds list.
Incorrect data
External website company employed to update site.
Email Addresses
Use of Gmail addresses for Clerk and Councillors
Council to continue to monitor cost of .gov.uk email addresses. Risk is that Gmail address cannot be closed by Council after the Councillor has left the Council. To mitigate this risk, the Clerk will ask the retiring Councillor to delete their email address.
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Minutes Approved by Chair / Acting Chair : …………………………… Date: ……………………………
16.1a. Proposal for Approval: That the FAR committee recommend to the Full Council not to include the Hire of the Hall in their submitted Budget calculation for 2024-2025.
This was presented, discussed and approved.
The money would remain in the finances and only be used in an emergency, if the parish hall was unavailable and another venue had to be hired. At the end of the financial year if would be placed into Earmarked funds for the same purpose next year.
16.1a. Resolved: That the RFO would ensure that this budget stream remains untouched, unless needed for venue hire but is transferred into the Earmarked funds next year.
24.2. Parish Hall Management Committee:
March Minutes presented for approval (attached)
The council expressed their thanks for the minutes.
24.3. Community Engagement (Neighbourhood) Committee:
March Report presented for approval (attached)
The committee had 2 items of business that needed to be discussed.
24.3a. D-Day 80th Anniversary (June 6th) Flag
It was agreed that depending on expense, an 80th Anniversary Flag would be purchased to hang on the second flag pole. If found to be expensive, a ‘future proofed’ one would be purchased and used in all future years.
24.3a.1. Resolved: That JS use a prepaid Debit Card to purchase the D-Day flag.
24.3b. Car Boot Sale
After much discussion it was agreed that this event should go ahead as per the booked date on the calendar. The responsibilities will be split between the Parish Council and RH /KT who will be acting as parishioners.
The council will be in charge of the organisation of the main hall and the hiring out of the tables. All proceeds will be placed into a ‘future events fund’ which will build-up over time and be used to allow the PC to organise bigger events in the future.
RH/KT will take responsibility for managing the kitchen catering. This is seen as the first of the four charitable hiring sessions allowed in a year at the concessionary rate. All profits that are made from the catering will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Society.
24.3b.1. Resolved: That a Car Boot sale, on the date agreed would be organised. Details for the Hall element to be organised by the Parish Hall Management Committee.(PHMC) That the clerk would place this on the next agenda of next month’s PHMC.
24.4. Planning Committee:
March Minutes: Record of decisions (attached)
The council expressed their thanks for the minutes and the decisions they took on the council’s behalf.
24.5. Staffing Report:
27.5a. Handyman: Progress on Job Specification update ?
24.5a. Resolved: That the Clerk ask the Staffing Committee to begin to consider what the job specification and responsibilities might be for the position of Handyman to the council.
24.6. Policy, Practices & Procedures:
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Minutes Approved by Chair / Acting Chair : …………………………… Date: ……………………………
27.6a. No Update
24.7. Police Report: (report for February attached)
25. BUDGETS, INVOICES & FINANCE (see FAR item 8) (attached)
It was agreed to follow the requirements within the Financial Regulations:
5.3. All invoices for payment shall be examined, verified and certified by the council, a duly delegated committee or, if so delegated the Clerk (RFO) RFO to confirm the work, goods or services to which each invoice relates has been received, carried out, examined and represents expenditure previously approved by the council.
5.4. The RFO shall examine invoices for arithmetical accuracy and allocate them to the appropriate expenditure heading. The RFO shall take all steps to pay all correct invoices at the next available council meeting.
6.2. Following authorisation under Financial Regulation 5 above, the council, a duly delegated committee or, if so delegated the Clerk (RFO) RFO shall give instructions that a payment shall be made.
At every subsequent monthly meeting the RFO will present a Bank Reconciliation statement and an Income and Invoices-to-be-paid lists. The RFO will be placed on the Banking System. The invoice list will not include utility bills or direct debt payments. Following the previous decision at this meeting, it will also not include the salaries of staff, as these will in future be managed by Bradley’s.
The service which supplies sanitary towels in the women’s toilets will not be placed on a direct debt but the contract will be allowed to lapse.
26. ASSET REGISTER & INSURANCE (see FAR Agenda item 10)
Members have worked extremely hard to produce a definitive Asset Register for the council. Unfortunately, the assets on the insurance policy from the previous council includes many assets which presently cannot be located. This is very concerning. It was decided that the chair would instruct a solicitor’s to send a letter requesting the present location of each asset which the new council are unable to account for.
26.1. Resolved: That the Chair (MB) would action a solicitor’s letter be sent requesting the location of assets.
27. EARMARKED FUNDS (see FAR Agenda item 13) to be approved
After discussion this was approved. The Earmarked funds for planned maintenance and new initiatives total £88,275.51
27.1. Resolved: That the Council approved the Earmarked Funds list.
28. MEMBERSHIP OF COMMITTEE’S (attached) Approved.
28.1. Resolved: That the Council approved their Committee choices.
29. SCHEME OF DELEGATION (attached) Approved.
29.1. Resolved: That the Council approved their Governance Structure.
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Minutes Approved by Chair / Acting Chair : …………………………… Date: ……………………………
30. INTERNAL AUDITORS REPORT (attached) 1. Working from Home allowance: as you work part of the week at home, you are entitled to claim a tax free allowance form the Council of £6 (pro rata, we recommend £3). We recommend that you claim this as it will ensure that the Council is aware of the costs associated with home working. 30.1. Resolved: That the council agreed to pay the Home allowance weekly payment to the Clerk. 2. The RFO needs full access to online banking. This will ensure timely preparation of bank reconciliations etc 30.2. Resolved: That the council will ensure that the RFO has access to online banking. 3. Financial Regulations: we recommend that in s11(h) the lower lower limit to be raised from £100 to at least £500, as it not practical to have too obtain 3 estimates for items of such low value; 30.3. Resolved: The council has approved this change and the Clerk will amend the Financial Regulations on the website. 4. We note that the Council uses gmail email addresses; JPAG recommends that emails should be .gov.uk and that councillors should be easily prevented from using the official Council email address when they cease to be Councillors. I have taken the liberty of attaching the ICO guidance on the use of personal email addresses, and while the gmail addresses are not personal addresses, some of the risks remain. Your risk assessment should reflect these risks. 30.4. Resolved: The council has discussed this recommendation and this will be investigated further. The council has approved an additional item 53 in their Risk Assessment to explain how they are going to minimise the threat in the meantime. 5. We acknowledge that a risk assessment is to be ratified before the year end; the annual review and adoption of a risk assessment is a statutory requirement and should be built into the Clerk’s calendar. 30.5. Resolved: The council has approved their Risk Assessment and the clerk will place it on the website. (item 11.1b) 6. Earmarked funds should be approved by the 31/03/24 30.6. Resolved: The council has approved their Earmarked funds for 2024-2025 at this meeting. (item 27) 7. We understand that the Council has recently adopted Financial Regulations. Having done so, it is important that the Council adheres to these. No payments except those agreed previously (e.g utilities) should be made without the approval of the Full Council following scrutiny by the Finance and Asset Committee. 30.7. Resolved: The council has approved this procedural change and will adhere to the Financial Regulations. The clerk will make the necessary update (if needed) on the front cover and upload the document onto the council’s website. (item 25)
Thursday 18th April 2024 in the Parish Hall Meeting Room at 8.00pm
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Minutes Approved by Chair / Acting Chair : …………………………… Date: ……………………………
PRWhibley Clerk BRPC