Extrordinary Meeting 18th May 2023
Minutes of the Extra Ordinary Meeting of Brereton and Ravenhill Parish Council held on
Thursday 18 May 2023.
Present: Cllrs M Blackham (chair), S Merriman, J Gascoigne, K Paul, C Boulton,
R Hall, A Cowdell, R Hall-Davies, C Davies, C Harris, K Theobald, J Johnson
Welcome and apologies
Apologies: Cllr D Blocksidge
1. Election of Full committee Vice-Chair
Cllr Kevin Theobald nominated
Cllr Jay Gascoigne nominated and seconded votes 12 Elected
2. Privacy Notice
Each Councillor to sign a Privacy Notice document
All now received.
3. Minutes of the ANNUAL meeting of 11 May 2023
To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 11 May 2023.
Can’t be approved as not present at meeting.
4. Matters arising from Annual meeting.
5. Professional Memberships
It was suggested we need to be a member of NALC and SLLC APPROX £439 + vat
per year.
Cllr C Boulton was put forward, seconded and voted by all to looking into funding and
looking after memberships.
Cllr Mrs S Merriman proposed that we get a copy of the Clerks Bible – 13th Edition,
proposed, all voted and seconded.
6. Staff and Council Training
Training coming up SLLC Clerks, SPCA counsellors – action once were members of
professional memberships.
7. Policies and Procedures
Finance Regulations
Cllr Mrs S Merriman asked if we have a copy of these, Mrs R Davies (Clerk) advised
yes, but last year at the audit our regulations were not up to date. A copy is in the
Cllr K Theobald – the list is not comprehensive, and would like a full list for the last 10
years. Mr J Smith has a current list.
Mr Paul Fisher has gardening tools, heavy machinery is in the ex-Cllr Mr R Easton’s
garden – tractor, hedge cutter, strimmer etc.. as per asset list and needs retrieving.
Policy and procedures
Cllr S Merriman – proposed a sub group, so policy and procedures can be updated.
Sub-group are now: Cllr S Merriman, Cllr C Davies, Cllr A Cowdell & Cllr R Hall.
2021 paperwork from Mr Peter Harris is at the Hall.
GDPR, Data Protection & DBS, Council security including insurance
In place and invoices paid.
Cllr S Merriman – concerned about security of the building, old computer in office – not
password protected.
Cllr C Davies to help John Smith move PAYE onto the laptop.
Keys to building – no key holder form. Spare keys from ex Cllr R Easton have been
Locks should be changed – all voted in favour
Key safe outside of hall doors – all voted in favour.
proposed, all voted and seconded.
8. Future Planning:
Welcome meeting
It is suggested we invite the public to meet residents on an informal basis.
We use notice boards and social media to keep people informed.
There is a limit of 200 in hall. plan of action for Parish Hall next meeting.
9. Christmas Lights
Looking to get business backing towards Christmas lights.
Public meeting for end of May seconded, all voted in favour
10. Community Cafe
Need to find out if we can do a change of use on lease for the building. Contact
Cannock Chase Council – Cllr S Merriman. Keep on agenda for next Parish Hall
Bar Licence
Current licence under Mr Peter Davies – change of name needed. People bring their
own alcohol in but can’t sell it. Bars for parties can bring their own licence. Needs to
be an individual name, a licencee – Cllr R Hall to find out more information…
Keep on agenda for next Parish Hall meeting
Drop In
Cllr D Blocksidge and Cllr S Merriman to keep in touch with public, helping them fill
forms etc. A point of contact for the village.
Window of time to be allocated. Voted agreed and seconded.
11. Bank
New signatory paperwork has now been taken to the bank and were awaiting their
Cllr K Paul explained we will be doing online banking going forward. Any groups that
are currently paying by cash will be required to complete their request online.
12. Online bookings
We are looking into preparing a booking sheet, comprehensive conditions, deposits
and final payment, all payments direct to the bank account.
13. Opportunity for members of the public to speak.
2 members of public – no questions.
14. Date and Time of Next Meeting
The Parish Council has previously agreed that the next Full Council meeting will be held on
Thu 1 June 2023, at 7.30 pm.
closed 21.05