Hall Management & Community Engagement Committee
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from: 2nd November Meeting
Due to the fact that the December HMCE meeting had to be cancelled, I have précised the Matters Arising from the November meeting. It is anticipated that as the agenda for the January meeting may be extensive, it would be sensible to try and deal with the outstanding matters arising, PRIOR to the meeting.
If you have actioned anything below, please reply and then I can circulate all actions taken/outcomes prior to the next meeting with the Agenda, which will save you time in January.
HALL MANAGEMENT 1. Review rates for different groups – update A working group has been set up to review the rates and will meet on Wednesday 8th November 2023 6pm. 2. Heating JS to look at the timer. Awaiting the latest bill with the new energy company to review the rates. 3. Roof job update Awaiting a start date from the company 4. Solar panels/update CD explained that an EPC is a must if you rent or hire out a building. We need to know if this is our responsibility or CCDC. We need a copy of the lease of the Parish hall. XX to explore the copy of the lease from CCDC. 5. Climate Energy Fund A quote for the taps and EPC fund has been obtained and CD will use these to apply. 6. Water pressure, toilets, taps update JS to explore the water pressure with Severn Trent as a starter place. DB and AC will lead a working group with JS to replace the men’s urinal and eco toilet flushes. 7. New Year Event Fayre – working group CD will start a google form for all businesses to collate their information and register their interest in the New Year. 8. Decorating the hall 3 Quotes to be obtained including hall way, conference room and main room and toilets. Together and the main room separately. Finance Report Point for Clarity: At present the hiring of the hall has grossed over £8000 which has been deposited. It is not a PH fund. It is the PC who will make the decisions as to how much it delegates, to which committee/working group and for what purposes. This will be clearly laid out in The Terms of Reference of each committee/working group and scrutinised by the Finance Committee.
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COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT 9. Christmas Lights- working group update 10. Payment was due for installation of 4 power supplies, £1xxx.xx 11. Allotment update KT has taken the lead on the allotments, many were used to paying cash for the allotments and he wanted clarification. KT is exploring the land boundaries and will update at the next meeting. 12. Community Events BM Community grant for small community events update. Brereton Million asked if both groups could meet to discuss. 13. Indoor Car boot A working group has now been set up for the community events: SM, CD, DB, AC, RT, KP. A date will be set for this outside the meeting. 14. Bus Shelters on used bus route Suggestion to use as advertised boards or removal. SM to look into quotes for signage and notice boards to go inside. *(see below) A. “A full vote to replace all notice boards as they are in very poor condition – SM to add this to the quote with the bus stops. B. A review took place of the public posts on social media and a vote took place to sell the hedge cutter, tractor and any other attachments, scissor lift and digger.” I’m sorry but I need to make you aware that: A. This doesn’t fall within the remit of this committee, as per the present Terms of Reference. B. This is information relayed from the Full Council Meeting as it also does not fall within the remit.
As you can appreciate, Terms of Reference, Delegated Budgets and Earmarked Funding are important. Scrutiny and recommendations by the Finance Committee to the Full Council are also vital to ensure good governance.
Thursday 4th January 2024 7.30pm
Minutes of the Hall and Management Community Engagement meeting of Brereton and Ravenhill Council to be held at the Parish Hall, Ravenhill Park, Brereton on Thursday 2nd November 2023.
Cllrs Present:Sue Merriman (SM)(Chair), Caroline Davies (CD)(Vice Chair), Alison Cowdell (AC), Kay Paul (KP), Ruth Hall (RH), Dana Blocksidge (DB),
Cllrs Apologies: Carl Boulton (CB), Miles Blackham (MB), Jay Gascoigne (JG), Rebecca Hall-Davies (RH-D)
Cllrs Absent:
In Attendance: Mr John Smith (JS)(RFO/Caretaker)
No public Attendance.
Declarations of Interest in any items on the agenda
No declarations of interest noted.
Hall, Management and Community Engagement Minutes from meeting held Thursday 7th September 2023
Minutes approved.
Matters Arising
Hall and Management
Finance Report
There is currently £8600.88 in the Parish hall fund, from the 1st November all invoices will go through the new Scribe system. Ruby is making sure all invoices are up to date up to 31st October 2023. Ruby’s role has now reduced to taking bookings and is currently on average 5 hours a week until the invoices are up to dates. JS has received a letter to say that the pension scheme has been reduced by 1% for employer contributions. This needs to be reduced in next month’s payment, KP & SM will oversee.
Review rates for different groups – update
A working group has been set up to review the rates and will meet on Wednesday 8th November 2023 6pm.
Policies update
All happy with the policies and agreed to await for the new Clerk, to guide anything that they felt should be added.
It was raised that the building is very hot in the day and cold at night, but hot when parties are on. JS to look at the timer. Awaiting the latest bill with the new energy company to review the rates.
Roof job update
Awaiting a start date from the company
Solar panels/update
CD explained that an EPC is a must if you rent or hire out a building. We need to know if this is our responsibility or CCDC. We need a copy of the lease of the Parish hall. XX to explore the copy of the lease from CCDC.
A recent EPC was offered at the beginning of the year but the Parish Council never responded so we have missed out on a Free grant, we have been quoted now £300.
Climate Energy Fund
A quote for the taps and EPC fund has been obtained and CD will use these to apply.
Water pressure, toilets, taps update
JS to explore the water pressure with Severn trent as a starter place. The water pressure has gotten worse and JS suspects a valve may not be open fully. DB and AC will lead a working group with JS to replace the mens urinal and eco toilet flushes.
New Year Event Fayre – working group
CD will start a google form for all businesses to collate their information and register their interest in the new year.
Decorating the hall
3 Quotes to be obtained including hall way, conference room and main room and toilets. Together and the main room separately.
Letter from Hirer to consider reduced rate for fundraiser
The Council has now set up a charity arrangement for the hall 3 times a year. This is for fundraisers for the community and the Council felt this fundraiser didn’t not meet the requirements it had set.
Community Engagement
Christmas Lights- working group update
Payment was due for installation of 4 power supplies, £1xxx.xx the working group gave an update of their progress and the councilors thanked them for their time.
Allotment update
KT has taken the lead on the allotments, he reported he has been down and is happy with the condition of all 14 allotments, many were used to paying cash for the allotments and direct to previous councilors which he wanted clarification would be billed through the new Scribe system. KT is exploring the land boundaries and will update at the next meeting.
Community Events –
BM Community grant for small community events update
Brereton Million had written back to RH explaining they thought larger projects could be worked on together and asked if both groups could meet to discuss. Rather than give the Council a small pot of money.
Bingo & afternoon tea
RH has changed this event to Time for Tea, it was successful with 12-16 people.
Indoor Carboot –
A working group has now been set up for the community events: SM, CD, DB, AC, RT, KP anyone not in the meeting is welcome to join. A date will be set for this outside the meeting.
Bus Shelters on used bus route – suggestion to use as advertised boards or removal
A full vote to keep the bus shelters and turn them into advertising information hubs. SM to look into quotes for signage and notice boards to go inside.
Notice Boards in poor condition
A full vote to replace all notice boards as they are in very poor condition – SM to add this to the quote with the bus stops.
Update on Equipment that has been put to public opinion for discussion of keeping or selling – decision on moving forward
A review took place of the public posts on social media and a vote took place to sell the hedge cutter, tractor and any other attachments, scissor lift and digger.
Chair to open meeting for public session
No public attendance.
Date of Next Meeting
Hall, Management & Community Engagement Committee will next meet on Thursday 7th December 2023 at 7.30pm
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